Northern Eclipse Help Reference

 Spot Density

This tool allows you to interactively view the average and total density of a region under the mouse. 

As the mouse is dragged over the image while holding the left mouse button down, intensity measurements are updated automatically.  The “Spot Shape” can be a square or a circle, and the size can be adjusted using the “Spot Size” scroll bar. 

For monochrome images, the grayscale intensity is used as the density value.  This function works on floating point grayscale images as well as integer grayscale images.

For color images, a grayscale luminance value is calculated first and used as the density value.

The data can be logged by selecting the “Log to DDE” button.  The data is logged as a row of data containing the image name, location in the image, and the total and average density data.  You can also choose to limit the data to only the average or only the total for logging purposes by changing the “Measure” drop list box.  The density is an uncalibrated density measurement.

See Also


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