Northern Eclipse Help Reference



Enabling a Plugin

Northern Eclipse is most often shipped with a number of plugins which are extension pieces of software written by Empix Imaging Inc. or third parties. Plugins, once installed, become a part of Northern Eclipse offering new or enhanced features. To enable a plugin, click on Plugins on the main menu bar and then Plugin Options.  The following Options page dialog box will appear.




To enable a given plugin just click the mouse on the check box beside it. Plugins will only appear if they have been installed on your system. Some Third Party Plugins cost extra. Inquire with your local dealer or Empix Imaging Inc. about currently available plugins.


Plugin List



Digital Deconvolution
AVI Plugin

Volume Rendering Plugin

FFT Plugin




Other Plugins


JPEG Plugin – removed from distribution July 2002 and is no longer available due to pending licensing concerns.  This documentation has been left for existing customers only



See Also

Table of Contents